How to Make money

How to Make money

Some people get jobs after studying and some people have money, they earn money by doing business, but some people do not get a good job nor they have money to do business.

In this case, some people earn money by doing a lot of work here and do life.

But after getting job and not getting money for business, dreams of some people are very big and they keep looking for ways to grow something because they know that they have Talent and they will definitely do something big one day.

We have been making this post to inform such people the best way to earn the right path and money.

In this post, there are ways to make money that require neither money nor any kind of technical knowledge is needed to start.

Note: Do not work to give millions of rupees in the night, because you will not get one rupee in it only your time and money will be wasted.

17 Learn how to earn money from the best way
Before giving us the knowledge of how to make money, we will let you know that all the given methods are 100% trustworthy and using these methods would not have any kind of Fraud with you.

It may be possible that you may know about some of these methods already, but you will definitely get some great new ways and you will be able to earn good money from them.

Understand the wrong way to earn money before starting the work and save your money and time.

Before reading information about earning money, let me know that this post has not been given to make money from Mobile in Mobile. If you want to make money from mobile then check out how much money you earn from mobile.

1. How to earn money from PPD Network?
With Pay Per Download, we can understand that this is the network that gives each download money.

To earn money from the PPD Network, you have to follow the steps below.

First, you have to create an account on the good Websites of PPD Networks.
Files (Softaware, Video, App, ETC.) have to upload to their account after creating an account.
After uploading the files, you will get a link to download the file.
Anyone who links Link to download that file will see an advertisement first or a Survey will appear before that link.
The person will be able to download the file after seeing that ad or after completing the survey.
To see that advertisement and fulfill the survey, we give PPD Networks to us.
The PPD network account will have to upload that file to see the ads in that account and to complete the survey.
This way, you can earn good money by uploading software, apps, videos, etc. to PPD Websites.

Below are some trusted PPD websites.

Indicash (without Survey)
Userscloud Without Survey
You will get money from different rates of each download on all websites. (Such as $ 0.50 to $ 2)

2. How to earn money from Videography
If you can create a video that people will like. Such as Comedy Videos, Teaching Videos, Dance Videos, Acting Videos, etc.

So you can earn a lot of money by making videos.

People are making millions of rupees by making Videos and uploading videos on Unacademy and Dailymotion.

To make money by making a video, you have to follow the steps given below.

First of all, one has to choose a video platform. You can choose any platform from Youtube, Unacademy and Dailymotion. (Best: Youtube)
After making the choice of the platform, it has to create an account on which we also call the channel which is very easy.
After that, videos are made to create and edit videos.
After making videos, the video has to be uploaded to the selected video platform.
Now the video has to share the Facebook, Twitter Google Plus and Whastapp Store to reach as many people as possible.
As soon as good traffic starts on your videos, you'll need to monetize the videos.
You can use Adsense, Affiliate Marketing etc. to monetize videos.
Now the more people will see your videos, the more you will be able to earn.
If you want to earn money from Youtube then how to see the post earned from Youtube.

3. How to earn money from Blogging
Even by making Blog, people are earning millions of rupees each month, anyone can earn money by blogging.

Even you can see my blogs at HTIPS, I also earn money from it.

There is no need for any technical knowledge or coding to start blogging if you are going to visit a little bit of computer then you can earn money through blogging.

To start Blogging, you have to follow these steps.

First, create a blog name and hosting to create a blog. (You can also create blogs in the free)
After becoming the blog, you have to regularly publish the blog by creating SEO Friendly Post.
Blog Post Ranked in Search Engine requires Blog Traffic Increase.
When you start traffic to your blog, you can monetize Blog by earning money in many ways.
Blogging is about to start blogging and to understand how to blogging and start blogging.

4. How to earn money from Email Marketing
Many people say that email marketing is over but from Survey
It has come to know that Email Marketing is still working very well.

People are also making good money from Email Marketing.

To earn money from Email Marketing, you need to collect 5000+ email addresses first.

You can earn money after collecting an email address.

Affiliate Makreting
Sales Digital Products
Promote Websites or Blog
To earn money from e-mail marketing, you need to first understand the email marketing. Email marketing must definitely look for information on how to earn money - Read Post Earn Money From Email Marketing.

5. How to earn money from Photography
If you think you get good photos, then you can earn money through photos too.

To make money by selling photos online, you have to follow the steps below.

First the best photos are to be removed.
Editing has to be done to improve photos.
After preparing photos, we have to create an account on the websites we sell photos.
Creating an account can make you online by uploading photos to websites.
Some Websites to earn money by selling online photos
For more information on how to earn online money by online photographs, read the post by earning money.

6. Facebook
Facebok is a huge social network where people earn money by advertising. If you have a website or blog, you can earn money through Facebook Instant Article and Facebook Watch.

To earn money from Facebook, you have to follow the steps below.

First you have to create a facebook account.
The Facebook account is required to create a facebook page by logging in.
After making a Facebook page, it will get more and more.
The more people will like your facebook page, the more money you can earn from facebook.

After 5000+ Likes on Facebook Page, you can earn money from facebook using the following methods.

Facebook Watch
Accept Sponsered Post
Promote Websites and Blogs
Affiliate Marketing
Sales Own products
To learn more about how to make money from Facebook, see how to earn a post from Facebook.

7. Website Designing
If you come to play a little bit of computer, then you can easily make money by creating a website.

If you do not have to create a website, then you can learn how to create the website without any technical knowledge easily by reading the website.

In today's time all the business is going on online, everybody needs the website of all people and they are ready to give Rs 5000 to 20000 rupees.

So you can make people according to their needs as websites and earn good money.

There is more way to earn money from the website, to understand the post of the ways to earn money from Websie.

8. Articles Writing
Websites and blogs can not be made without articles.

There are many bloggers who do not have time to write articles but they do Blogging

Because it is their Hobby.

Even on this blog some articles are from other people

Because our team is unable to write the articles due to lack of time.

If you come to write good articles even if it is on any topic

So you can earn millions of rupees from your articles at home.

Below are some websites where you can sell articles online.

For more information on earning money by writing articles, read the articles by writing articles.

9. How to earn money from Affiliate Marketing
In Affiliate Marketing, you have to promote products of any company.

If any person buys products from your link, you get commissioned by 15% -30%

For this, you have to signup for the affiliate program of Trusted Company's (such as ShareAsale, Amazon, eBay, Click Bank, etc.). Because the products of these trusted company buy any.

To earn money from Affiliate Marketing, you have to follow the steps given below.

First, Affiliate Products have to choose the platform to promote
In which you can choose any of the platorm of the Website, Blog, Email Marketing, Facebook, Youtube etc.
After selecting the platform, any trusted company would have to do Sginup for affiliate programs.
Affiliate Products generate affiliate links and they have to reach people through the platform selected.
If people like the products you promote, they will buy it and their commission will get you in the affiliate account.
To understand Affiliate matketing information in detail, what is Affiliate Marketing and how to read the post earned.

10. How to earn money from Flipping Domain
Domain Name is the address of the website

Such as is our domain's domain name

Filing means buying and selling.

So in Domain Flipping, you have to buy and sell Domain Name.

You can buy new domains at a lower price than any good domain registrar such as Godaddy, NameCheap, Bigrock etc.

After some time, you can sell the domain at a higher cost in Domain Auction.

People sell and sell a Rs 499 / month domain name for millions.
Choosing a name is to learn and increase its value.

Some Websites to Buy New Domain Name

Some Auction Websites for buying Old Domain Name

How to Make money Reviewed by gm ahmed on July 16, 2019 Rating: 5

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