Make money with Facebook

Make money with Facebook

Want to earn money on Facebook? Some people think that Facebook is completely written in 2019, but it is not exactly true. The platform itself can slowly grow than years ago, it is still 2.2 billion monthly users and with a huge potential. It is also the owner of the ever-growing Instagram and Chat App Whatsapp. Lots of potential in that corner to make money. But a place that many people underestimate. I regularly receive emails from mini accounts who want to earn money through this social media. That would be difficult, since you need a proper page or Facebook group for the money.

"In this article I will discuss how you can make money with your own Facebook page or group, as well as how you can make money with Facebook in general. For example, I make money myself by creating Facebook ads for companies. Everything is possible and we dive in, let's go! "

1. Make Money with your own Facebook page
The most obvious way people make money through Facebook is their own Facebook page. That is often a page that has the necessary access within a certain target group. For example, think of a page on Facebook where you will find funny memes. If such a page has many likes (at least 10,000) and active access (many people like, respond and share), money can be made by placing sponsored content that is relevant to the target group. For example, for a page with funny memes, a sponsored message from a company with humor will do well.

Money is paid for sponsored content in the form of a picture, video or text with a link to the product or service of a company. Depending on the involvement of your target group and its size, you can earn more or less money. To give you an indication, a company will have 10,000 likes with a page on a sponsored post for about 100 euros.

If you have a successful Facebook page, many companies will probably be sure of you as a matter of course. But it never hurts to go to relevant companies yourself with your offer. You can do this by sending them an email. Many companies are interested in this form of promotion and are happy to respond to it. You will see that it makes a big difference how you approach the company. So make sure you are able to write a suitable acquisition mail.

"NOTE: Anno 2019, Facebook pages are showing less and less in the timeline. Certainly when it concerns a text message, it will not spread very well. Videos and images are doing better. If you have your own Facebook page, you can see how much a post has reached. Communicate this with the company you work with and use the statistics to see which posts perform well and which ones do not. It speaks for itself to publish more posts that work well;). "
2. Make money with your own Facebook group
Facebook groups are genius. I use them regularly to develop things around myself and that works well. For example, I posted a message in a dozen Facebook groups about our cycling trip from the Netherlands to India. That post went into literally every group viral and delivered us a 200 subscribers within our just Youtube channel. The power of a Facebook group is that messages in it are better than those of a Facebook page and that involvement is greater.

However, if you have a proper Facebook group yourself, it may still be difficult to earn this with money. If you want to get started with sponsored posts from a company, you will need to put it together properly if you want it to go viral in the group and as many people as possible.

"Basically you can state that a good (sponsored) post meets one important requirement. It must be a content that brings about an emotional change. It can be that someone laughs or creates a moment of euphoria. A post in which you only recommend one product will not cause much. Rather some funny about the company;). "

3. Make Money on Facebook with affiliate marketing
If you do not feel like contacting companies by email for sponsored posts or you simply do not get it for offers, you can also start affiliate marketing with you. A very interesting way to earn money for your Facebook, Instagram, website, YouTube or any other platform.

With affiliate marketing, you can place links to products or services of companies and affiliate programs. When one of your followers then clicks on that link and buys the product, you will get a commission and you will earn money. To begin with this you need to join a affiliate program so that the follower is traced correctly. You can find out how all this works and how you can make affiliate marketing a success in this article.

4. Post Facebook ads for companies
Something I am familiar with myself, making Facebook ads for companies. If you know what you are doing and know what you are doing, there is a huge source of income here. Setting up an advertisement does not cost a lot of time, but can save a company (and so you) a lot of money. In this article I explain how I once set up a wedding video company for a good advertising campaign.

Nice is that if a Facebook ad has you set up works, you can go directly to other similar companies in the market and also launch that campaign.

Creating good Facebook ads need some practice. You will see that the more you do it, the better you get it and the higher the conversion you earn per invested euro. Then as an intermediary you are also worth more.

The advertising system automatically works with Instagram, so you can easily advertise for a company on both platforms. But to do that, you will surely be the first to find the companies that want to pay for you. Fortunately that is not so difficult. You can easily write this by writing to them by e-mail. For me, that's also the way to get customers in this field and that works very well :).

5. Doing Facebook management for companies

Companies often want to 'do something' with Facebook but simply do not know how. They would like to outsource their Facebook ideas so that they know that they are doing well.Certainly a company with a slightly less marketing-oriented owner often does not understand how Facebook should be applied in the right way. They often place random products on their Facebook page and there is no response because Facebook is not meant for that at all.
“A good Facebook page for a company often shows images of how things go behind the scenes and takes the follower into his story. That way Facebook is a powerful means to connect with the target group. ”
Because companies themselves are often bad at this, there is an opportunity for you as a social media manager. Therefore, check out if there are companies for whom you can roll out a good Facebook strategy, and perhaps simultaneously for the other social media.Companies prefer to outsource this to younger people who have more affinity with the medium because they understand it better. Finding those companies is often a matter of emailing or taking a look in your network or environment for whom this is interesting.

Make money with Facebook Reviewed by gm ahmed on July 16, 2019 Rating: 5

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